SHIELD: Case Files
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Agents of SHIELD: Case Files invites you to be “One of Us”. Or you could join Dr. Zabo’s band of misfits…

SHIELD #213: One Of Us
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Show Notes:

Agents of SHIELD: Case Files invites you to be “One of Us”. Or you could join Dr. Zabo’s band of misfits that he’s gathering to destroy Coulson in revenge for killing Whitehall and ‘stealing’ his daughter. Still not satisfied with those choices? You could be a part of Coulson’s SHIELD, if you’re willing to undergo evaluation and possibly be indexed, like our shaky friend Skye. Still not ready to commit? Well, try to follow Mack and Bobbi. They may just have another version of SHIELD as on option. Jay and Josh try to break down a maddening March Madness bracket while keeping people from screaming too loud, and killing a bunch of birds, on this week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Case Files. Download now, to decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
