SHIELD: Case Files
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“Boom” boom goes the dynamite! Well, actually ‘boom’ goes Tucker Shockley, the angry Watchdog leader that exposed himself to some Terrigen in an attempt to change Senator Nadeer.

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Show Notes:

“Boom” boom goes the dynamite! Well, actually ‘boom’ goes Tucker Shockley, the angry Watchdog leader that exposed himself to some Terrigen in an attempt to change Senator Nadeer. Instead he became the Inhuman and gained the ability to explode. After killing Nadeer, he goes after Director Mace and Quake. They work frantically to find a way to prevent him from blowing his top while Coulson and Mack track down Agnes Kitsworth. She’s Radcliffe’s former love and the one he modeled Aida after. But she’s not too keen to help. Jay and Josh lower the BOOM on this week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD Case Files. Download now, and decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
