SHIELD: Case Files
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If you’re interested in fooling someone, it’s nice to have a little “Smoke and Mirrors”. Agnus Culley has been fooling people for years under the name Whitney Frost…

CARTER #204: Smoke and Mirrors
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Show Notes:

If you’re interested in fooling someone, it’s nice to have a little “Smoke and Mirrors”. Agnus Culley has been fooling people for years under the name Whitney Frost. And now she’s trying to keep her new Zero Matter predicament hidden until she can learn to control it and use it. Peggy is using some deception to get information about the Arena Club from Mr. Hunt. But, once again, she’s going to need to deceive a lot of people now that Vernon Masters is gunning for her. She’ll need the help of Jarvis and Sousa to finally get to the bottom of this corrupt group and save her friend Dr. Wilkes. Jay and Josh get the sniffles on this week’s episode of Agent Carter: Case Files. Download now, to decrypt the coded telegram directly to your phonograph!
