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Can you handle the truth? It may just be what you get in “State v. Queen”.

GJ #207: State v. Queen
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Show Notes:

Can you handle the truth? It may just be what you get in “State v. Queen”. Having broken out of jail, Count Vertigo is working with a mysterious benefactor to distribute a new form of his namesake to the unsuspecting flu-fighters of Starling City. Think that’s too many surprises for you? Wait until you hear Moira’s truth come out. But your surprise will turn to shock when you hear who Brother Blood is injecting with his serum. Shock will turn to awe when you see Oliver’s showdown with the Count. And shock may just turn to unconsciousness when you see the final reveal! Jay and Josh revive themselves long enough to analyze it all. Listen in and justice will be served…to your MP3 player!
