Green Justice
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You made me, “Promises, Promises”, you knew you’d never keep. Promises, promises, Why do I believeā€¦.that Slade Wilson is going to try to kill Oliver?

GJ #215: The Promise
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Show Notes:

You made me, “Promises, Promises”, you knew you’d never keep. Promises, promises, Why do I believe…that Slade Wilson is going to try to kill Oliver? Well, probably because he discovers that Oliver let Ivo kill Shado. All in a flashback sequence that treats us to the birth of the Arrow. And as an added bonus origin, we see Slade Wilson put on the Deathstroke mask (nay, Balaclava…) Can Ollie, Slade, and Sarah take over the Amazo? Of course, but what are the consequences? And can Team Arrow get to the Queen mansion in time to prevent the Queen family from being harmed and having their painting collection tampered with? Jay and Josh promise this will be an exciting episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be served…to your MP3 player!
