Green Justice
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Watch out for flying Bricks while your strolling around “Midnight City”. Danny Brickwell has taken the Glades hostage…

GJ #311: Midnight City
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Show Notes:

Watch out for flying Bricks while your strolling around “Midnight City”. Danny Brickwell has taken the Glades hostage along with 3 Aldermen until the Starling City Police agree to abandon it. Diggle and Roy will do their best to uphold justice, but Laurel wants to get in on the action too. Brick may be too much for them to handle without Oliver though. He’s doing his best to recover so he can return to whatever’s left of his city. But the League is tracking him, and Maseo may not be able to stay to help out. snow+cold+will+Jay+Josh add up to another week of action on this week’s Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be served…to your MP3 player!
