SHIELD: Case Files
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If you’re looking forward to springtime, then you may want to start planting some “Seeds”.

SHIELD #112: Seeds
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Show Notes:

If you’re looking forward to springtime, then you may want to start planting some “Seeds”. After someone drastically turns the heat down in the SHIELD academy pool, Coulson’s team is sent in to investigate why these students may be targeted. But Coulson and May think they can handle this situation, so they head to Mexico to check out a lead on Skye’s past. They may not like what they find. Unfortunately, the SHIELD team isn’t quite fast enough to prevent a pretty big storm caused by an air conditioner from Hell. Jay and Josh discuss this ‘chillng’ episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Download now, to decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
