SHIELD: Case Files
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When the Inhumans attack your Helicarrier, you better send out an “S.O.S”.

SHIELD #221-222: S.O.S.
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Show Notes:

When the Inhumans attack your Helicarrier, you better send out an “SOS”. Skye may have chosen the side of her mother, but she quickly learns that was a mistake. So she and Mack work to save SHIELD. Meanwhile, Coulson tries to convince Cal that he should help them save his daughter, after he’s finished trashing the place in a monstrous rage, of course. And Hunter and May try to stop Ward before he tortures Bobbi to death. Season finales don’t come much bigger than this! Jay and Josh sample some different combinations of elixirs, with a drop of peppermint on this week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Case Files. Download now, to decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
