SHIELD: Case Files
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Before we jump right back into the second half of the season of Agents of SHIELD, let’s enjoy the added bonus of the online series “Slingshot”.

SHIELD #408.5: Slingshot Webisode Special
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Show Notes:

Before we jump right back into the second half of the season of Agents of SHIELD, let’s enjoy the added bonus of the online series “Slingshot”. Elena Rodriguez reminisces with Daisy about a night they got into a little trouble after Yo-Yo took some matters into her own hands and tried to stop her cousin’s killer. Gaps between season 3 and 4 are filled, characters are fleshed out, and we learn more about the ‘perks’ of signing the Sokovia Accords. Jay and Josh try to get their stories straight on this special midseason episode of Agents of SHIELD Case Files. Download now, and so you can decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
