Scarlet Velocity
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There has been a “Rupture” in Central City. It’s probably not something Barry and Cisco are going to be able to take care of with a drone-controlled hologram though.

SV #220: Rupture
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Show Notes:

There has been a “Rupture” in Central City. It’s probably not something Barry and Cisco are going to be able to take care of with a drone-controlled hologram though. This Rupture is from Earth 2 and looks just like Dante Ramon, Cisco’s brother. He’s one of many expected Metahumans that Zoom has brought here to wreak havoc, because Zoom has now claimed control of Central City. Barry has to make a final decision whether or not to let Wells recreate the particle accelerator explosion. But even his dad Henry may not be able to guide him on this one. Because Zoom seems unstoppable, Barry decides the risks are worth the rewards if he can get his speed back. Unless, of course…it doesn’t work. Jay and Josh channel their inner Patronus on this week’s Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!
