SHIELD: Case Files
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Maria! I just met a girl named Maria…Hill. And she told us that bringing the military to Coulson’s ultra secret hideout was “Nothing Personal”.

SHIELD #120: Nothing Personal
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Show Notes:

Maria! I just met a girl named Maria…Hill. And she told us that bringing the military to Coulson’s ultra secret hideout was “Nothing Personal”. Coulson should be able to forgive her if she’ll help him get back Agent Skye. Skye’s doing pretty well on her own, until Ward realizes she knows the truth. Then he gets his buddy Deathlok to help out. Will he get Skye to decrypt the hard drive? Will Coulson escape Colonel Talbot? Will May reveal the truth behind TAHITI? These questions an more will be pondered and discussed with Jay and Josh on this week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Case Files. Download now, and so you can decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
