SHIELD: Case Files
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It’s very difficult to live in “A Fractured House”.

SHIELD #206: A Fractured House
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Show Notes:

It’s very difficult to live in “A Fractured House”. After HYDRA poses as SHIELD and shows their murderous ways at the UN, Senator Christian Ward is out to wipe them of the map for good. Yes, that’s right. I said Senator Ward. Grant’s water-well-torturing older brother is a powerful, influential Senator. And if Coulson wants to keep his team safe from that witch hunt, he’s going to have to make a bargain with the manipulative politician. And the rest of the team will scour the globe to find a way to stop them. Jay and Josh try to keep from disintegrating on this week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Case Files. Download now, to decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
