SHIELD: Case Files
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When you’re being controlled by a powerful Inhuman, hellbent on destroying the world, you need some “Emancipation”.

SHIELD #320: Emancipation
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Show Notes:

When you’re being controlled by a powerful Inhuman, hellbent on destroying the world, you need some “Emancipation”. Hive is using Daisy’s blood to create primitive Inhumans. While she’s being drained, she contacts Lincoln at SHIELD where he’s being held in quarantine. He wants to get out, and she wants him to come to her. Meanwhile, General Talbot gets a tour of the SHIELD base, and isn’t too thrilled about the way Inhumans seem to have the run of the place. He wants them to sign the Sokovia Accord to put them in check. To emphasize his point, Lincoln seemingly escapes. But it was all a ruse to send in a very Secret Warrior to attack Hive and rescue Daisy. Jay and Josh issue a proclamation that they are going on a beer run on this week’s Case Files. Download now, and so you can decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
