SHIELD: Case Files
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You look like you’ve seen “The Ghost”. Ghost Rider, that is.

SHIELD #401: The Ghost
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Show Notes:

You look like you’ve seen “The Ghost”. Ghost Rider, that is. The flaming skull himself is racing around LA taking out bad guys, and now Daisy is looking for him. Coulson and Mack are on a lot of missions for SHIELD’s new director, but they keep their eye out for Daisy in the process. May spends her time training new recruits. Fitz is in the lab a lot, creating new gadgets and hanging with his new pal Dr. Radcliffe (who’s got a Life-Model surprise of his own). And Simmons seems to be the new director’s right-hand scientist. Will we ever see the team together again? Jay and Josh experiment with their new exploding pen and try to decide which button not to push on this week’s season premiere of Agents of SHIELD Case Files. Download now, and so you can decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
