SHIELD: Case Files
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How much “Self Control” do you think you have? Would you be able to break from your programming if you discovered you were an LMD?

SHIELD #415: Self Control
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Show Notes:

How much “Self Control” do you think you have? Would you be able to break from your programming if you discovered you were an LMD? Would you be able to stop your loved ones if they were an LMD? Simmons and Daisy are going to have to escape the LMDs that have infiltrated SHIELD headquarters wearing the faces of their friends. Luckily, they have an LMD ally. Meanwhile, Aida takes control of the Superior’s mind, keeps the agents locked in the Framework, and solves the paradox in her programming with a very interesting solution that Radcliffe isn’t too fond of. Jay and Josh try not to lose their heads on this week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD Case Files. Download now, and decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
