Green Justice
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Get your superhero gear primed for “The Climb”. After getting an ultimatum from Ra’s Al Ghul, Oliver has 48 hours to track down Sara Lance’s killer!

GJ #309: The Climb
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Show Notes:

Get your superhero gear primed for “The Climb”. After getting an ultimatum from Ra’s Al Ghul, Oliver has 48 hours to track down Sara Lance’s killer, or the people of Starling City will pay. Felicity is on it! Problem is, they determine the killer was Thea Queen! She was being manipulated by Malcolm Merlyn so Oliver would be forced to confess to Ra’s and challenge him to a fight to the death. This would clear Malcolm, Thea, and Oliver so they could go back to leading perfectly normal lives. …or whatever passes for normal in Starling City. Meanwhile, Laurel spills the beans to her mother about Sara’s death, and Ray Palmer shows Felicity his plans to get tiny. The mid-season cliff hanger involves an actual cliff and an epic sword fight to the death (?) Jay and Josh channel their inner Sherpa on this week’s Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be served…to your MP3 player!
