Green Justice
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How do you honor the “Legacy” of Black Canary when there’s so many obstacles in your way?

GJ #501: Legacy
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Show Notes:

How do you honor the “Legacy” of Black Canary when there’s so many obstacles in your way? Oliver tries to fulfill his mayoral duties and keep the city safe, but he’s doing it without his team. Captain Lance is no longer there to keep the cops on the straight and narrow. Crime has risen and Tobias Church has come into town looking to capitalize on the chaos. Felicity and Curtis think Oliver should start building a new team, but he’s really not sure, until Laurel’s spirit shines some inspiration through her newly dedicated Black Canary statue and makes everyone realize what they have to do. Jay and Josh think they might be safe from sharks as long as they just keep swimming, on the season 5 premiere of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be served…to your MP3 player!
