Huntsman: Winter’s War is an inexplicable prequel / sequel to a movie that was only moderately successful, done without its main character. I didn’t hate the first movie but I didn’t really care for it either. It had a few interesting fantasy designs and sequences but that’s about it. And I’ve never been a Kristen Stewart fan. Sadly this movie is even worse despite her absence. I just don’t see any reason for this movie to exist aside from making money. Who cares about a spin-off about the Huntsman or his back story? Who cares about the return of Ravenna?
Even as a generic fantasy story, this movie just isn’t interesting. The story and characters are bland, and there’s no neat fantasy ideas of action sequences to speak of. About the only interesting thing I can point out is that it’s a version of Disney’s Frozen with another interpretation of the Ice Queen. But the Ice Queen herself isn’t involving in the slightest. I’ll give any fantasy movie a fair chance, but everything about this movie is just very bland.